Care Software Changes

Care Planner software updates

  • Access to Customer and Staff detail screen by clicking on the Jobs in Question [Green square] or on the names on the left hand side.CarePlanner
  • Fortnightly jobs are colored blue and Once Only are colored yellow
  • Emails can now be sent individually or as a group to either the client or staff based on the current schedule.
  • The “All” view will not show past “Once” only jobs.

CarePlanner2Fortnightly jobs start from the “From Date” and repeat two weeks after the “From Date”

  • For temporary carers the “Date Temp.” [Temporary Carer] date needs to coincide with the next work date (otherwise it will not appear).

Staff CertificationsCareCertificates

  •  First Aid Certification renewal dates should now be recorded with the other certificates.  This will stream line the reporting process.
  • Renewal dates are now automatically reported with the Pay Slips when close to due.